KTN (Kattana) swap to NEAR (NEAR Protocol)
BEST ANSWER: KTN swap to NEAR Benjamin Fox – benjamin.fox@gmail.com (2024-12-01 07:38) How often do exchanges of Kattana (KTN) for NEAR (NEAR Protocol) happen? Andrew Carter – andrew.carter@gmail.com (2024-12-02 01:43) Find out where you can exchange tokens: KTN swap to NEAR. Check it out! Benjamin Fox – benjamin.fox@gmail.com (2024-12-02 16:57) Thank you for the answer, […]
USDC (Polygon Hermez B) swap to ALGO (Algorand)
BEST ANSWER: USDC swap to ALGO Chris Taylor – chris.taylor@gmail.com (2024-12-01 08:03) What is the price of Polygon Hermez B when exchanged for ALGO (Algorand) ? Jeremy Ramirez – jeremy.ramirez@gmail.com (2024-12-02 09:18) I saw a token exchange on this site: USDC swap to ALGO. I think it’s worth checking! Chris Taylor – chris.taylor@gmail.com (2024-12-02 11:38) […]